Friday, May 04, 2012

May rain

I love rainy days  the only thing that I hate about it is when I have to walk in it and getting my feet wet.  This for me is a major problem.

Although rain always brought me a thousand reasons to switch on my emo mode, still I love watching every strand of it from the window.  I can see the grasses and plants smiling after the rain.

But Im afraid with the rain during the month of May because normally its a rain with explosions plus lightning in the sky. I remember we used to cover the mirrors back home and I don't know if  I'm the only one who noticed that thunders and lightnings were more stronger in the province.  I guess because we have a lot of open space there. Konti lang nag-aabsorb.

So, does today's rain a sign that summer is finally over here in the Philippines?

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