Tuesday, March 06, 2012

WANTED!! extra straps :)


I'm a certified Flip-flops lover. So comfy. And my red one will always be my favorite. We were partners for more or less 4 years, definitely my travel-mate :).

my travel-mate
But sadly, no matter how cliche it would be there's no such thing as forever except change. Last year the strap of my red flip-flop suddenly broke :( ...... I was really really sad; depressed and miserable the whole day even on the following day.  Ok a wk or even more than a wk.  I was so attached with my red flip-flop.  I almost felt that "oh no I'm having a separation anxiety" .  

hulaan kung alin jan ang paa ko

Is there a store selling extra strap? haha ... It's been a yr but I'm still hoping and keeping it.  And I'm interested to know if they are selling extra strap (havaianas) now.  I have another pair with a gold strap also and yes I was willing to use its strap to replace the broken one but the former is high line and the latter is flat-slim so it wont work and so with the others.

This post is soooooooo overdue a yr overdue I just saw my red tsinelas last wkend when I pull a wrong shoe-box.

missin u my red tsinelas

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